Healing Through God's
Natural Laws

For most us it is an accepted fact that God made everything, and everything is subject to His “laws of nature”.

God’s Natural Laws!

Man has made a study of these laws since the beginning of man. We have come to call these laws “science”.

For me, science is nothing more than the discovery of God’s natural laws.

Science is not man’s creation, but the study and understanding of God’s creation.

Over time God has revealed these laws to us and no doubt will continue to reveal more and more.

Just as we have come to understand natural laws such as gravity, electricity, nuclear physics, and combustion to name a few, God’s natural laws regarding the nature of health and healing have begun to be revealed in the past ten to fifteen years in ways that are changing the very foundation of what we think about health and healing.

No doubt this new paradigm will be challenged by those that are not well served by it’s truth, but over time we believe it will be understood as just another of God’s natural laws.

In this FREE three part Tele-Seminar Series we will share with you what we have learned both scientifically and experientially.

What you will learn:

• How the cutting edge of science and medicine is confirming ancient wisdom.

• The root source of any problem you can have, and how it can be changed in minutes.

• The three physical parts of the spiritual heart.

• The one physical cause of illness and disease.

• Where 99% of illness and disease come from - it's probably not what you think.

• Popsicle memories - the programming that controls your cells.

• Sciences new "Wonder Pill" of the future - you can have it now!

• And much, much, much more.

This is a one time event with Dr. Ben, Dr. Alex, and Dr. Mary.

Some of Dr. Ben and Dr. Alex’s credentials include:
• Featured on network, cable, and public television!
• Featured on an upcoming TBN special!
• The only health and wellness program represented on “The Secret”!
• Ben Johnson M.D. is the only M.D. on “The Secret”!
• The two founders have 5 doctorates between them: M.D., Ph.D., N.M.D., D.0., N.D.
• Featured on an upcoming DVD with Joel Osteen and Rick Warren!

This seminar has NEVER been done before - much of it is brand new info.

This will happen over three evening teleseminars. They will be free - but you will need to register so we can have enough phone lines.

Shows will be archived for those who cannot attend one of the seminars. Or you can just listen to them again.

Tell all your friends!

The Healing Codes

For more information click here

The Healing Codes activate a physical function built into the body that consistently and predictably removes stress from the body and heals by changing the underlying destructive energy pattern, or frequency, of a destructive image to a healthy one. These Codes appear to be like a hidden fuse box that, when the correct switches are flipped back on, will allow healing of almost anything by removing the stress from the body, thus allowing the neuro-immune system to take over its job of healing whatever is wrong.
The Healing Codes is "Maker's Diet Approved" - the only healing modality recommended with every meal in Jordan Rubin's new book "Perfect Weight America".

The Stress Buster

For more information click here

Test drive the power of The Healing Codes with "The Stress Buster" for a fraction of the cost. It is a "taste" of The Healing Codes and includes the "memory finder protocol" that easily and quickly helps you find the memories underlying your emotional stress. It is one code that can be used for any emotional stressor you are experiencing. More than 90% of people who do The Stress Buster experience emotional relief in a matter of minutes.

Power to Peace

    Power to Peace 

  For more information click here

Power to Peace addresses current stressful circumstances - finances, health issues, career, relationships, etc. These things happen every day. We call this "Circumstantial Stress." If an 18 wheeler pulls over into your lane, you will feel stress. If someone is mean to you, you will feel stress. If you have a sudden financial emergency, you will feel stress. The Power to Peace DVD and Manual gives you this easy-to-learn, 2-minute dramatic stress-reduction process that you can do any time in your day, PLUS provides interviews and research on why – and where – our bodies store the stress we feel in our daily lives.

The Success Codes

For more information click here

The Success Codes use the same powerful healing centers as The Healing Codes to create the future you desire. Twelve unique Success Codes help you create the dreams you imagine in your heart. Remove blocks to manifesting your dreams. Refine your desires until they are a True Love Goal, consistent with what is best for you in every way. Participate in the Success Unlimited program with Teri Rose - 8 teleconferences of training and support as you begin to use
The Success Codes.

If you are interested in hosting a Living From the Heart Seminar at your church or organization
 click here

Living From the Heart
click here


            Who We Are

Dr. Alex Loyd, the founder of the Healing Codes, and his partner, Dr. Ben Johnson, are on a mission to help people heal the issues of the heart with this modality that they believe was God-given based on 12 years of prayer for Alex's wife’s depression. They have 5 doctorates between them.

Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD, is a born-again Christian who lives in Georgia with his wife and seven children. After he worked with Alex to heal the symptoms of hisLou Gehrig's disease, he resigned as director of his cancer clinic to join Alex full time. Dr. Ben is the only medical doctor in the movie and book, “The Secret” and The Healing Codes is the only health and wellness program represented in "The Secret"

Alex Loyd, PhD, ND, an ordained minister, had a successful private practice in counseling and then in alternative therapies.  He lives in Tennessee with his wife and two children.

Alex and Ben have been featured on network television, public television and cable television. They will be featured in a Trinity Broadcast Network Special and in a DVD program that will be available in bookstores with Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer called “The Source of the Secret.”

Questions?  Visit our website at